Running across television coverage of a pro-abortion rally, one regularly sees women holding signs with declarations such as, "My body, my choice!" and "Hands off my body!" or "My body, my reproductive care!" This has become the mantra of those determined to abort an unborn human life. They assert that it is "their right" because it is "their body." But is this premise even true? Is an unborn child a woman's body?
Is abortion really just about a woman's body?
Carefully consider what is at stake here. It is reasonable that when life is at stake, the wisest choice is to err on the side of caution, in this case on the side of a human life. This would be the loving, compassionate and sensible position. This would certainly be the tolerant and inclusive position - to extend tolerance and inclusivity toward the innocent and defenseless who can't speak out for themselves or protect themselves. This would be the loving, compassionate and reasonable position to take.
If the unborn a woman is carrying is simply a biological part of "her body," then there is no "other person" to tolerate or include, there is no "other person" to show love and compassion toward.
But if the unborn the woman is carrying in her womb is a life, is a living, growing human being that is not a part of the woman's body, then the unborn is to be shown the love and compassion, shown the respect and rights of personhood every distinct human life deserves.
Is the unborn simply a part of a woman's body for her to do with as she pleases?
DNA and Genetics: The unborn has distinct and different DNA than the DNA of the woman. The unborn child ALWAYS has a unique, personal DNA code all its own. Also consider that in these popular times of DNA ancestry, the unborn child and its' mother are two different human beings of two different generations! If the unborn carried by a woman was her body, the DNA would be identical, not different. But the reality is the woman and the unborn child are not even of the same generation, much less the same body! DNA and genetic science give us the undisputable facts!
Conclusion: Science has proven that the unborn is not part of the woman's body.
Male and Female: Approximately half the time, the unborn child the woman is carrying is a human male with appropriate male genetics and biological characteristics. A female carrying an unborn male cannot begin to grow a separate male section of her body upon conception. This doesn't pass the medical or scientific test nor the reality and common-sense tests. The unborn male the woman is carrying is of an entirely different biological sex, physically distinct from the woman.
Conclusion: Science has proven that the unborn is not part of the woman's body.
Blood Types: The unborn can have, and often does have, an entirely different blood type than the woman. If the unborn inside a woman's womb was her body, then their blood would be identical in every way. Any blood samples taken from the unborn would show not only the same blood type, but the exact same blood as that of the woman! The science of Hematology tells us this is simply not the case and reality shows us the woman and the unborn regularly have entirely different blood types as well as separate and distinct circulatory systems.
Conclusion: Science has proven that the unborn is not part of the woman's body.
Onset of Labor: It is the unborn that initiates the day and time the woman goes into labor. While the onset of labor can be medically induced, in a normal pregnancy the woman has no control over the day or the hour that labor commences. Science tells us that it is the living unborn child that brings about the onset of labor, and does so independently of the mother's desires for the chosen day or the convenient hour for labor to begin. The reality is that no one, including the woman, knows or determines the day or hour labor commences for the birth of the distinct, unborn child.
Conclusion: Science has proven that the unborn is not part of the woman's body.
There's a Reason it's Called CHILDbirth: When a woman gives birth, it is not some body part of her body that a woman delivers, but a separate human person, moving from the womb into this big, wide world! In every way the reality is that a human baby is born that has his or her own distinct fingerprints, heartbeat, brainwaves, blood type, DNA, digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system, etc. During pregnancy there is never a time when a part of a woman's body somehow changes into a separate human being! The unborn is a distinct human being the entire time of the pregnancy, from conception through childbirth.
Conclusion: Science has proven that the unborn is not part of the woman's body.
Both Science and Medicine have proven over and over that the fundamental premise of this abortion position is a falsehood - the unborn a woman carries is not her body. Science and Medicine have proven that the unborn life is a separate, distinct, unique human being merely in an earlier stage of life than the woman. Just as the woman will change with time and age, and should be allowed to do so, the unborn person will change with time and age - and should be allowed, and in their innocence protected, to do so! Just because a woman is older and bigger than someone does not give her the "right" to end a life! Being pregnant is not a sexual disease that needs to be cured. A woman is pregnant with a precious, unique, new life! Let there be no doubt, abortion is the taking of an innocent, unique, and separate life.
Does a woman have a right to privacy and decisions regarding her own body? Yes, of course. But the sciences, the truth of reality, and simple common sense tell us an unborn child is not a part of a woman's body - the unborn is a separate human person, a life that is simply at an early stage of human life just as we all were at one time.
This separate human being, this distinct person, deserves to be acknowledged as such and afforded the rights and respect shown to fellow human beings.
Consider that in many societies today, from tiny turtle eggs to huge whales (and a variety of animals in between), humans go to great lengths to protect animals and their unborn. It is unfathomable and unconscionable that humans would not show the same care, compassion, and protection for their own unborn human offspring (children).
Continuing that thought, employing care and compassion, humans often require laws protecting the life of animals and their unborn (ex. endangered species of many types). Yet these same humans may fight intensely for both laws and the means to end the life of unborn humans - all the while supporting legislation making it unlawful to kill certain species of animals and their unborn. Does it make sense that on one hand, a woman might go to great lengths to protect a certain animal's egg yet with the other hand, be an activist fighting for the right to kill her unborn child?
Abortion today is not rare, but is often for "convenience" as just another means of birth control. This is especially evident as the practice of "medication abortion" by means of abortion pills increases - but a "medication abortion" is still the aborting and ending of an unborn human life.
It was reported by many news outlets that, in 2023, abortions in the United States increased to the highest abortion numbers in over a decade. Over a million abortions took place in just the U.S., with medical abortions going up dramatically after the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
Consider how this loss for the sanctity of life has impacted societies and cultures in so-called "civilized" nations. Generations of children have been raised under the worldview promoting and supporting abortion and that when it comes to sanctity of life and the unborn, it's a woman's "right" to make the choice to end life. Should we not ask ourselves about the cultural impact of abortion, "In society today, are we now seeing the consequences that generational loss of respect and value for life has wrought?"
HIGHER THOUGHTS: Genesis 1:27, "God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." (NASB)
Psalm 139:13-14, "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." (ESV)
The word here rendered "knitted" means in context to interweave; to weave together; to knit together. It communicates a beautiful picture, God creating every person in the mother's womb, the very strands of our DNA being knit together by the Lord. In that formation, God not only creates a body, but the soul is established as well. (see Zechariah 12:1)
God has a plan for every soul, every person.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV)
Murder ends a life too soon. Suicide ends a life too soon. Abortion ends a life too soon. It cuts short a life that God had plans for. Have you ever stopped to consider that perhaps the person that would one day find a cure for cancer might have been aborted in the 1980's? Or the person who would one day find a cure for AIDS or other diseases was aborted in the early 70's? Think of the wonderful songs that will never be written and sung. The artists, scientists, engineers, the theologians and philosophers, the loved ones, the friends and neighbors you and I, that the world will never know.
The assertion fought for is that it's a woman's body and the unborn is just part of "her body." The reality is that, having followed the evidence, many fields of science tell us this is not true. The Bible, God's word, tells us that the unborn human person is the very work of God, created in God's image. Therein truly is the sanctity of life.
If you are a woman who has had an abortion, please know that you can find grace, forgiveness, peace, and newness of life at the cross of Jesus Christ. Abortion is not the unforgivable sin, but it is a sin. And we all have sinned, every person alive today. The good news is that God loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to take the punishment for your sins and my sins on the cross. And the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross fully satisfied God's holy requirement and God raised Jesus from the dead on the third day. Every human being has sinned against holy God, but through Jesus, God will forgive and cleanse the sin and guilt away and make us new creations in Jesus Christ. Please know that God loves you and wants a relationship with you this very day. Visit our web page "Knowing God" if you would like to learn about God's love, grace, forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ.